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Rob Fairburn


IT was the end of an era at the annual general meeting of Gala Fairydean Rovers staged in the clubrooms on Thursday evening. For following the elections, three key people who have been the driving force behind the club for the past six years are no longer office bearers.

Chairman Kevin Temple, secretary Graeme McIver and treasurer Susan Swan all indicated in November this would be their last season

running the club after devoting so much time and energy to their roles. Kevin stood down due to work commitments a month after once a replacement was found, Graeme was going to stay on until the agm but resigned last month as a matter of principle over the decision to change the playing management team and Susan delivered her final financial report at the AGM.

Ryan Cass, who was unanimously voted as chairman, said:"I would just like to give credit and thanks to Kevin on what he has achieved at Gala Fairydean Rovers and for football in the town of Galashiels.

"He was one of the key members in forming the amalgamation between Gala Rovers and Gala Fairydean.

"Since then the club has grown into a fantastic community club on and off the park.

"On behalf of everyone associated at GFR, we want to thank Kevin for his six years at the club and we will continue to drive the club forward and show the same kind of passion and drive that was delivered by him."

Match secretary Robert Fairburn said:"Graeme has built this club up from scratch regarding community involvement.

"He tackled all the Licensing and Child Protection issues on behalf of the club and still found the time to produce an award winning match day programme.

"Graeme has portrayed the club in the most professional manner possible and that is often commented on during our travels in the Lowland League.

"He has been a class act for the club and will be very difficult to replace, we all recognise that."

President Jim Gray, who presented a silver quaich to Susan, said:"When she first took over, the club was facing large debts and it was a very worrying time.

"But with a combination of hard work and prudent book-keeping, Susan has managed to transform the financial fortunes of the club and put it back in the black.

"We are all grateful for the job she has done.

"In fact the contributions of Kevin, Graeme and Susan have been nothing short of outstanding."

Those elected for season 2019-20 were:

Chairman, Ryan Cass; Vice-chairman Derek McGill; Joint Secretaries, Paul Gray and Debi Ritchie; Match Secretary/Child Protection Officer Robert Fairburn; Treasurer - Committee working group till permanent appointment; Auditor Mike Revels;

Executive Committee:

Audrey Mann, Tom Cass, Shane Greene, Adam McClory, Bruce Noble, Welsh Curran, Stephen Callow, Brenda Callow, Alan Allison, Steven Noble, Craig Douglas, Norrie Collins, Mark Rankine, Paul Bertram, Jane Greene and Mike Riddell.

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